Monday, November 21, 2011

Spread it

I  never thought of how much people dont want others to know about the Lord,until my mom called me into her room and told me that one of my freind's dad was shot.He was a missionary from Oakbrook.He and eleven(I think) other men were on their way to Haiti for a missions trip.When they were ambushed.Him and six other men were shot,none were killed thankfully.I never knew that people were so against spreading God's Word.This story makes me want to spread it even more now!!Who's with me??:)

Friday, November 18, 2011

A day full of family and freinds

Tomorrow I am going to be getting my pics taken with my family.I love getting our pictures taken as a family,cause it always seems to bring us closer together somehow.After we are done, I am going with my two sisters to have a blast at our freinds house.There is Grant who is 13,Jackson who is 7,Jared who is 6,and Gavin who is 2.We have been freinds since birth.Since Grant is my age,we did everything together.We use to go to each others houses and be mischievous  little kids!!! We would always either play video games(he would beat me),watch T.V,or play games and just hang out.Grant was/is one of my best guy freinds.

My older sister

Older sisters are there to comfort you when you are having a bad day,cry with you when you cry,make you feel pretty when you know you look like crap,give you advice on fashion,tell you how to feel important when people make you feel worthless,and tell you that you should either move on or stay crushing on a crush.
Girls will be girls and boys will be boys,but there is one advantage to being a girl with an older sister,they've been through everything that you've been through and if they messed up,than they know to tell you to do the opposite of what they did.My sister has done this all,We might have our arrguments and we might have our fights,but when it comes down to it,  Bekah I love you and want to thank you for being the kind of person that I look up to and someday hope to be like.